dimanche 8 décembre 2013

How To Avoid Holiday Weight Gain


Even if you have superhuman willpower, the holiday season is a challenge for everyone. Staying on track can seem so daunting, you feel like a swan dive into the eggnog and sending your reasonable routine in hibernation until the new year. But as we all know, excess weight does not disappear with decorations. And nobody wants to start the new year in the hole, the body is concerned... Turns out, there's no need to. "You can have fun without throwing away your healthy habits,"

Weigh yourself twice a week

This is often enough to make sure you stay on track, but not so often that it takes all the fun holiday noshing. you have to step on the scale first thing in the morning when the stomach is empty.

Start your day with a bang

Exercising in the morning can help ensure better behavior all day long, the women worked out in the a.m., they not only moved more the rest of the day, but they also responded less to pictures of tempting food compared with the days they didn't do a morning workout.

Be so picky

Peruse the buffet before you load your plate to avoid foods you don't really want, for instance, you could take or leave sushi but adore sliders, don't start with the tuna rolls hoping to be able to resist the two-bite burger.

Just say no

Work it and you get stronger. What's key is to practice keeping yourself in check in non-food situations, too. Whether you're driving in rush hour traffic or dealing with a temperamental kid, there are challenges that require self-control, Succeed in not honking at that rude driver, he explains, and you'll be better able to resist dessert at the party.

Avoid banking calories

Cutting back all day so you can indulge at an event that night only sets you up for a pig-out. Why? You're freaking starving! It's easy to get out of control when you're faced with high-calorie choices, Be sure to eat your three squares and a couple of snacks. Aim for lots of fruits and veggies, whole grains, and lean protein.

Don't swear off desserts

But practice the three-bite rule to keep your sweet tooth in check. You'll get that amazing first taste, a satisfying middle one, and then a lingering third bite.

Eat your H20

Instead of trying to lose eight glasses of water (almost impossible when you're busy), a green salad with a drizzle of balsamic vinegar and a few slices of avocado. These water-rich foods help you stay hydrated, so everything moves through your system faster,

Brew up a pot of peppermint tea

Research shows peppermint can help calm stomach muscles and reduce gas

Chew slowly

We know: When your to-do list is never-ending, it's hard to make yourself downshift, even at mealtime. But eating fast is a quick recipe for an expanded waistline. 
Here's why: "The more air you swallow, the more bloated you'll get.

Keep calm and kick cravings

Stressed by the sight of that holiday spread? Take deep breaths before you grab a plate. Research suggests that women who practice stress reduction techniques are able to prevent weight gain. 
Close your eyes and focus on your reaching for 30 seconds. Then reevaluate whether you really want to fill your plate; chances are you don't.

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