mercredi 11 décembre 2013

4 Worst Holidays December Diet Mistakes

It's that time of year when the holiday calories lurk around every corner. Family parties, office meetings, parties Saturday night ... you get the picture.

But even if you try to be "good" around the holidays and stick to your healthy lifestyle, you might still be make mistakes that let you plan a few more pounds coming new year. Avoid these mistakes dietary December!

Skipping meals to save calories for later

You might think "save" your calories for a splurge later in the day (a Christmas party, for example) is a good idea, but you can actually set you up for a food disaster. If you have not eaten all day, you are likely to deceive the second you are faced with a spread of appetizing food. Instead, eat normally and make small cuts calories throughout the day. For example, hold the cheese on your breakfast sandwich or go dressing your salad lunch. These small changes add up, so when it's time to splurge later you "saved" calories without starving yourself all day, which of course makes navigation interim tariff party much easier .

Thinking “healthy” calories don’t count

I always used to think if I choose healthy foods (vegetables vegetables and dip) on not so healthy foods (bacon wrapped scallops) at a Christmas party, the calories do not really count. Of course, vegetables and dip and appetizers like good health, such as hummus and crackers or spiced nuts, options are generally low in calories, but still add calories, especially if you nibble on them all night. Instead of overdoing it, try using a small plate to serve you. A visual representation of what you eat will help you keep even healthy calories in check.

Feeling a little too festive with the holiday cocktails

Have a glass or two at a Christmas party is a wonderful way to relax, have fun, and participate in the joy of the moment. However, it is easy to feel a little too festive once you've had a few glasses of spiked eggnog. And it is not only consume too many calories. If you drink too much, you do not have much control over what you eat, which can ultimately lead to your pants feel a little tighter. If you feel out of place without a drink in hand, you can pace your alcohol consumption of soda water alternating with a lime wedge in between alcoholic drinks. And here are some additional ways to enjoy guilt-free cocktails!

Assuming you can just work it off

Regular exercise is a great way to manage excess calories during the holiday season, but it can not do for all of your mistakes diet. For example, a piece of pecan pie will cost you about 500 calories. If you want to work out in the gym, you will be trudging along on the treadmill for nearly an hour! Who has time for that? Staying active will help you keep the holiday calories in check, but do not count on your workouts to finally keep the pounds off.

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