jeudi 14 novembre 2013

Music Effects Have On The Brain ..

Music can have a very strong influence; is it strong enough to effect your brain?

Music can move the soul. It can be a very strong influence. Some music can calm us down, some music can make us wild! How does music affect us?

The music is used in a variety of ways . It is used in the medical field as a source of research and as a type of treatment as well . Music has been used as a treatment against seizures , lower blood pressure , treat ADD children, treat mental illness , the treatment of depression, helps heal , treat stress and insomnia and babies premature .

Musicologist Julius Portnoy found that music can change metabolic rates , increase or decrease the blood pressure, the effect of energy levels, digestion, positively or negatively, depending on the type of music. Soothing music , such as classical music has been found to have a very calming effect on the body and cause increased endorphins , thirty minutes as music was equal to the effect of a dose of valium . The two hemispheres of the brain are involved in music processing . The music of these studies is not the "letter" , but the music, the melody, sounds, melodies , rhythms and chords.

Conversely music has also been documented to cause disease . Good music or bad , on the contrary , can be like a poison to the body. The studies were performed in plants where heavy hard rock music , for example , plants and dead soft classical music , make plants grow faster . Music is very powerful , like a drug , and maybe even addictive. In the case of Patty Hearst, was documented that music was used in the aid of his brainwashing . In the book, elevator music by Joseph Lanza, she says that certain types of music for long periods, under certain conditions , have been shown to cause seizures.

In the book, The Secret Power of Music by David Tame , said : "Music is a language which is the language of languages. We can say that , of all the arts , there is nothing harder moves and changes consciousness.

We can say that music is a very powerful and impressive , which can have positive effects , mentally and physically savings when used in the right context, but equally destructive and potentially harmful if used negatively life considerably.

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