mardi 17 décembre 2013

How Important To Relax Over Christmas

 We have two weeks off at Christmas, we are really looking forward to. However, January and February are already huge ad that plays in our mind that we are mentally all the work ahead of us in the months to come! we do not feel very relax in the best of times, and in fact, our mind was running normally thought of what we should do. However, we are very aware of the importance of having quality stop time, if that's what we'll do to make sure we relax at Christmas ...

5 Steps To Help You Relax

Having had a long business before surpass, I saw many colleagues over the years their store annual leave because they were really hard to take time. Wait until you're toast too stressed or is not a good way to maintain a personal or professional life in good health, it is important that you take the time off normal to recharge your batteries.

Away from work is also a great way to improve your productivity, because being tired, sluggish and tired slows you down and makes you less effective and efficient - neither of which are perfect for your career or business.

So, assuming you've made the leap and set aside time away from the office, what can you do if you're like me and have trouble turning off? Here are some ideas that I will try my best to put into practice in the coming weeks ...

1.  Leave the laptop at home : I know it's going to feel weird not connect, or working on the idea that you have been contemplating for centuries, but after a few days of withdrawal symptoms, you will find that you can cope with being away from your computer! So avoid the temptation and leave your laptop at home if you go - you can really do without it and your mind will thank you later when you come back rested and relaxed.

2.  Let Your Out-Of-Office Do It’s Job : There is a reason why "out-of-office 'automatic responses exist. Make sure you leave this very useful function do its job, so you can forget yours for a few days (at least). No one is indispensable, and generally most requests can wait ... and you can always put a number of "emergency" on your auto signature so that way you can relax, comfortable in the knowledge that the world is still spinning despite your constant lack of email control.

3.  Give your routine a big shake-up : You do not have to go far to take a break. If you stay at home for Christmas, make sure you give your habitual routine miss and instead of mixing things up. It is often the little things that can make a big difference, so go out to dinner or take-out, leave the dishes until tomorrow, enjoy a lie in, or spend the day on the couch watching trash TV .. .. which is different to your usual schedule.

4.  Get outside : if you used to sit in an office, it's time to fill your lungs with fresh air and spend some time in the elements. I am in Melbourne so believe me, I'll be embracing the heart of all their four-seasons-in-one-day forever! Back to basics, and a great kid again. Playing cricket, a barbecue, go running, take the kids to the farm, a romantic picnic, go out on a boat .... the list is long, and none of them are expensive or difficult to arrange.

5.  Get laughing : last but not least, do something that makes you lose your breath from laughing so hard. Whether watching your Mother-in-Law into a hammock (one of my personal favorites - Sorry Marie), or sit around with your best friends relive old times, laughter is one of the best ways to relax and recharge. Consciously hunt means to get you to laugh and enjoy the wonderful effects that laughter, which include increased happiness, intimacy, a stronger immune system, boost energy, decrease pain and reducing the negative effects of stress.

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