jeudi 10 octobre 2013

Beetroot – A Powerful Keeper Of Our Health

With the examination of the benefits of fruits, we will also revise the health benefits of other food plants and are therefore very important for the body. Start with beet .... Why we call beets a powerful guardian of your health? Read the text below....

Beet is well known plant all around the world. It is believed that came to us from Southeastern Asia and China. Beet is a plant that has been used much more in the field of ancient Rome. The emperors after the discovery of this plant ordered his large areas of European culture.

Beets are rich with many elements that are necessary for our body indescribable. Beets contain little protein, organic acids such as folic acid, malic acid, oxalic acid, and the vitamins C, B, A, PP, E, and minerals containing calcium, potassium , magnesium, zinc, iron and other minerals in smaller quantities.

The presence of beet in every home is more than necessary. Its method of use is different. People make different salads, other juices and cocktails. No matter how you use it, you will get all the benefits. We recommend eating beetroot, grated carrot, this combination is a real bomb "vitamin" for the organization.

But not only vitamins, minerals and other ingredients found in beets can help you if you have problems with the thyroid gland, circulation, anemia and other blood diseases. Beets are recommended patients with chronic anemia and those with immune system problems, however, do not forget to mention that the beet is a great protector of the heart and blood vessels. This means that the consumption of beets can improve our health.

We should also mention that the beets have amazing influence on the digestive system. Beets contains elements that promote the work of the intestines, and also maintain and protect the liver. It is believed that children will eat beet bones and teeth, and much better than non-CBC regularly eat beets.

Beets are recommended to season with carrot, honey and other nuts, because you will have even more powerful. Beet juice has an amazing effect on your health. If you regularly consume beetroot juice dramatically improve your overall health.

Beetroot is a real source of health and we should continue with its consumption.

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