lundi 21 juillet 2014

Easy Tips For Summer Weight Loss

It is easy to hide a few extra pounds with a big sweater. But when temperatures and skirts and shirt sleeves town, there is nowhere just for pudge to hide. Here, things that will help you get in shape for the summer without having to break a sweat.

Get Away From TV And Computer

Multitasking while you eat means you will not be as satisfied, a recent study by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found. Some of the study participants ate while playing computer solitaire, while others ate without distraction. The results? The game-players were worse at remembering what they ate and felt much hungrier after.

Drink Wisely

At the end of a hot day, it is easy to go down a few frozen or chilled sangria just to stay cool margaritas. But it is packing on hundreds of calories. If you want a cocktail, instead of trying tequila and soda on the rocks. When a glass does not like a Slurpee (we watch, mango frozen strawber-rita!) You sip slowly and take in much less calories, says Stephen Gullo nutritionist.

Have a Good Night's Sleep

In a recent study, ten overweight volunteers have a diet while sleeping 8.5 hours per night for two weeks and only 5.5 hours per night for another couple of weeks. (During the day, their levels of diet and activity were exactly the same.) In both cases, the average weight loss was 6.5 pounds, but when the group slept less, they lost less material fat (1.3 pounds against 3 pounds), and felt hungry.

Eat Spicy

Capsaicin, the compound that gives pepper its heat, accelerates metabolism, according to a recent study by David Heber, professor of medicine and director of the Center for Human Nutrition at UCLA. Participants received either a placebo or supplements of capsaicin bland daily for four weeks. The supplement group burned more fat for several hours after a meal, and they burned about 100 to 200 calories more per day, says Heber. Bonus: Spicy foods can trigger a feeling of fullness sooner than bland foods.

Plan Your Meals

Think through exactly what and when you eat your meal can make you more likely to stick to your diet goals, according to a study in psychology and health. In a study designed to encourage healthy eating, all participants ate more fruit for a week, but those who have a concrete plan, written down, and see how they would perform the action, when, where and how they would buy, prepare and eat twice as much fruit fruit eaten as those who simply tried harder.

Show Some Skin

As it warms up, do not fight the urge to wear a short skirt micromini can help you avoid indulging. "Studies show that women who wear loose clothing eat more," says Jana Klauer nutritionist

Don't Let Your Shoes Do The Work

Think you can cut your regular mile walk in half because you wear Skechers toning or tanks? Not so fast. Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse found no difference in heart rate, calories burned, or muscle activity when study participants were compared with their shoes on a regular race treadmill.

Avoid "DIET" Foods Sweetebed With Sugar Alcohols

They can cause stomach bloating. (Search "-ol" endings on ingredients such as sorbitol.) And it is not just food; even a lot of sugarless gum and mint contain the culprits.

Drink Coffee

Studies show that caffeine speeds up metabolism, as do coffee polyphenols, according to researchers from Kao Corporation of Japan. (Remember that you can cancel the effects if your coffee with whipped cream and caramel.)

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