samedi 21 septembre 2013

Foods For Better Concentration

Foods For Better Concentration

Do you wake up feeling slow and full of fatigue? It is a struggle to concentrate on a task for a few minutes? If you find that you are not able to concentrate on your work, keep in mind you are not alone in this problem. In fact, an inability to concentrate is a common problem among people worldwide.

We all know that the concentration is very important in our daily lives. It is one of the key success factors in all areas of life. We are what we eat, and if you fill up on foods rich in nutrients that feed the brain with essential vitamins, which are more likely to get the brain boosting benefits.

Making the right choices in your diet can help improve your concentration. Here are some foods that will help with your concentration levels:

1. Avocado
Avocado is a source of healthy fats that stimulates blood circulation, which is important for normal brain function. Lawyers can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and bad cholesterol. This reduces the risk of plaque buildup and improves blood circulation, providing a simple and tasty way to transform brain cells.

2. Fish
Fish such as sardines, tuna, salmon, herring and mackerel contain essential fatty acids omega-3 for maintenance of the nervous system, such as sardines are rich in iodine, which maintains mental clarity.

3. Whole Grain Foods
Whole grains are an excellent source of dietary fiber and vitamin E is necessary to improve memory. Vitamin E is found in: green leafy vegetables, whole grains, eggs, rice seeds and pumpkin. Whole foods also improve circulation and maintain the level of glucose in the blood. So it is important to have breakfast (breakfast cereal) because glucose is the key to concentration.

4. Cranberries
Cranberries contain high doses of antioxidants that protect the brain from some of the free radicals that can cause loss of coordination and memory.

5. Caffeine
Caffeine stimulates brain activity, but it is consumed in moderation. Caffeine can stimulate and help to focus and concentrate. Caffeine is found in coffee and dark chocolate. However, excessive consumption of coffee can increase the risk of heart disease to limit your intake to three cups of coffee per day or less.

6. Berries
Berries That Contain antioxidants protect neurons from damage to the brain and create receptors for communication betweens brain cells. Berries aussi protect brain cells from free radicals and lessen the occurrence of brain disease. Blueberries Contain vitamin C That Stimulates mental activity.

7. Seeds
Did you know that pumpkin seeds are rich in zinc, which is useful for the brain? This mineral is known to improve memory and thinking. A handful of pumpkin seeds provide zinc RDA.

8. Sage
Sage has the reputation of being an ally of the brain and memory, it is recommended that sage oil that fits your diet.

9. Broccoli
Broccoli is an excellent source of vitamin K. Broccoli contains enough vitamin K needed to improve the state of your brain, prevent diseases of the brain and increase brain activity.

10. Tomatoes
Tomatoes contain an antioxidant called lycopene which protects the brain cells against free radicals. Lycopene acts as a protective layer and can also prevent dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

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