jeudi 5 septembre 2013

Eating foods that fight cancer

Eating foods that fight cancer


Eat brazil nuts : These nuts are rich in selenium, a mineral that helps the body's cells repair their DNA and kill cancer cells.

Add garlic to your meals: Many Americans stay away from garlic, develop a fear of "bad breath", but it turns out the smell can be quite useful. The sulfer garlic has been shown to stimulate the immune response to cancer and even reduce tumor growth. Studies have shown that garlic is particularly effective in the prevention of cancer of the stomach, which reduces the impact of a factor of 12.

Eat cantaloupe : The fruit is a great source of cartotenoids, which has been shown to reduce lung cancer risk Cantaloupe also contains vitamin C, which will boost your immune system.

Finish your broccoli : Among its many health benefits, broccoli has been shown to help the body fight cancer. The broccoli should be eaten steamed or eaten raw, such as microwave kills most of the beneficial nutrients.

Eat blueberries : Blueberries are the most powerful main source of antioxidants, a molecule that prevents cell damage in the body that could eventually lead to cancer.

Drink green tea : Green tea protects the body against various types of cancer and heart disease. Green tea is also a more stable source of caffeine than coffee, so no "accident" in the middle of the day.

Eat fish : Studies Have Shown That the people who eat fish like salmon liver ou Four more week of UN levels are less sensitive subjects develop blood cancers like leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma.

Buy organic : Organic products contain less pesticides and hormones, both of which have been shown to cause cell damage and eventually lead to cancer

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